Part 11: Promotions 5: The Edgy 90's remake
Update 011: Promotions 5: The Edgy 90's remake

Welcome to the Silver Helm Stronghold.
Like the other Silver Helm outposts, this one is pretty well-designed. It feels like the most optional-esque of the dungeons so far, though, I don't believe any specific quests ever point you to this one, except for completionism and a general feeling of "fuck the silver helms for their bullshit." But, yeah, this is literally the fucking welcome committee and a pretty hard "are you ready for this kind of anarchy?"-check. There's nothing clever you can do to get out of this big fight.

The gang is absolutely ready to handle this shit, though.

Nonetheless I need to dip out for a recharge before going back in. This is also the one dungeon where I somewhat regret using Torchlight since it's mostly possible to see what's going on without it, but it erases a lot of shadows and detail, it feels like. At least the Master Fire Magic version does.

In all the confusion of fighting those dozens of swordsmen, it's also possible to miss that there's a new type of enemy mixed in who's pelting you with various kinds of magical bullshit from the back rows!

Insanity posted:
Lowers Intellect and Personality by 90%. Raises Might by 100%, Endurance by 50%, and Speed by 20%.
So like getting Drunk, it has some niche uses that it might be relevant for. Obviously very nasty for spellcasters, but if you had a Knight, eh, why not? May as well get in those big hits. Especially in the early game a doubled Might stat could contribute a lot of extra punching power. It would also be relevant for the Circus and a few other situations that require high Might.

Most of the Silver Helm Stronghold is somewhat unremarkable, though. Bunches of melee enemies that hit hard and take a lot of hitting back to put down, and generally a layout that makes it feel like a real place, with every room clearly intended as an office, bedroom, kitchen or other purposed-for-something location.

Generally a good sign of an MM6 dungeon that's designed by someone who gave a fuck is that it has more than one wall and floor texture in use. Then you generally start seeing well-designed areas, like these little chapels, I like them.

The southern part of the Stronghold has the only bits that aren't just plain murder.

Though it does still have an awful lot of murdering.

So look at the minimap, see this corridor outlined in blue? That's usually a warning sign that there's some sort of trigger on entry, and usually MM6's triggers are bad news. So I spent a bit agonizing over what to do, finally decided to just quicksave and enter and...

It's the trigger to make a spooky ghost pop out of the wall!

The "wall behind him" is not literally the wall behind him, by the way, but instead the now-open wall on the right.

I'm also mildly entertained that the ghost says "no one's ever seen this secret area!" and yet there's a group of Silver Helm guards in there.

It does have two chests of nice loot, though. Thank you, John Silver. If we hadn't rescued Melody, he wouldn't have pointed it out, but the minimap would still, as per usual, have completely rumbled the surprise.

The main "target" of this dungeon is this generic-looking Warlock hiding at the bottom of a corridor to the south, without any real fanfare. He's supposed to stand in for John Silver's traitorous lieutenant.

He hits pretty hard and also makes Richmond go Insane. Sadly Richmond has one of the less funny Insane character portraits in the game. But don't worry, you'll get to see them all! Also the only reason you know he's John Silver's former lieutenant is because he drops the aforementioned Ankh when he goes down.

Once again, it's a point of weirdness that they didn't rename him considering that they clearly could make that happen in-engine with, for example, Snergle.

There are a couple of islands north of Silver Cove itself. The only thing of import that they contain is the Circle of the Sun, which is visible from shore, but they do have a few things of interest.

The circle, it has no purpose outside of the Druid promotion quest.

But a couple of the islands up here also have swords-in-stones, which at this level of the game actually have a chance of providing something good. Has the party gotten buff enough to yank this one?


Enjoy some more funny faces from them, though.

The northern island just has an inn, a fountain and a ship. I'm not sure if the ship has any unusual travel routes, it was closed for business every day I visited it. The fountain, though...

Yeah it's literally just a fountain that causes Insanity.

Another sword? Well, they do say the definition of Insanity is trying the same thing again and expecting a different result.

With his insanity-strength, Deadeye easily yanks it out and provides Bobelix with a very nice sword upgrade. It has better base damage, better to-hit bonus and it has an elemental damage lump on top for even better hitting power. That's about it for non-dungeon Silver Cove content, except for the fun of bombing wandering gargoyles and druids with orbital strikes and looting their camp sites. Deadeye greatly appreciates the killing and looting of creatures made of pure marble and diamond, though.

I think what bugs me most is that they call this place The Monolith and there are no monoliths involved. Neither is the external structure a monolith and nor does the internal dungeon contain one. It bugs me unreasonably much.

Seriously why is it named the Monolith, it's just another cave-y dungeon!

Probably what it reminds me most of is Snergle's caves. A series of narrow, winding corridors with little in them, passing through open rooms that contain enemies and objects to interact with.

The plants here are VERY worth interacting with, they can contain some decently large amounts of gold. At this stage of the game it's not super-big compared to what we get from just selling stuff, but I'd never pass up a couple thousand gold.

These fights are somewhat annoying, though, because there's no real space for dodging and we can't just end things with orbital bombardments, and the Grand Druids can blast away Agnes and Richmond's spell points with their attacks, which sucks.

In addition to the money trees, some of the rooms also require interacting with rocks to open doors. It's not very intellectually demanding, except possibly for Deadeye.

The dungeon's sole secret is in this room, where interacting with the flower on the ground on the left opens a small nook on the right.

Wherein a tiny tree holds 5000 gold. Yeah, it's... they're evil druids, man, they don't have to make sense, I guess.
But before I make the dungeon sound like a repetitive slog of killing lady druids and robbing their houseplants(which, like, half the dungeon is, admittedly), there are at least some new enemies!

They only merit acting as a speedbump because Richmond got drained by a Grand Druid again.

Oh damn, what's that? Another new enemy!

These guys aren't even a speedbump, I just roll across them. It's kind of weird, mind you, that the druids have two of the elemental types here to guard the Monolith, but no air or fire elementals.

As far as I'm aware there's no possible good outcome from touching one of the henges, they'll just curse a random number of party members every time.

What follows is a couple of near-identical rooms, only varying in number of henges and druids in each, before we reach the final room of the dungeon.

Which is an even larger room with bigger henges and more druids.

Despite their numbers, the druids and elementals do negligible damage to the party. I'm not sure if we're overlevelled for this, it doesn't feel like it since the druids theoretically have somewhat pinchy attacks, plus this last room has, I learned, a dick move where the door slams shut behind you if you move inside to engage, so you can't easily pull back to recover if you get in over your head.
The rewards is a pool to touch, an altar to break and two chests to loot!

The pool just makes part of the wall slide away to open a way out.

The texture switch for the top of the altar kind of makes it look like the party just piled dirt on it and that breaks it.

I also wish I'd checked up on what Bobelix's Personality was before messing up the altar, because he gets a little sparkle and smile like Agnes does, despite being neither a Druid or Cleric, so maybe they messed up and it's Paladins instead of Clerics, or it's both. Who can say? As you can see by Agnes' spell point bar not changing between the two screenshots, we're at the point where even a +5 isn't enough to actually give a bonus.

You open the far end of the corridor by interacting with the flower.

Oh, yes, the Silver Cove overworld map does have one interesting oddity besides the stone circle. This field of rocks arranged in rows, between which the ground is shaded slightly darker. If you step on the ground there, it instantly teleports you to an otherwise unremarkable area to the north which normally wouldn't be a great hassle except by default said area is also patrolled by like 30 druids, numbering quite a few Grand Druids among them, and if you're suddenly in the middle and getting raked by all sides by magical zippity zappery, you're probably fucked. Especially because a couple of well-placed spell point drains from Grand Druids would see you unable to fly or teleport out in any way.

Alright, the Silver Helm stronghold was a cakewalk outside of the first ambush. The Monolith didn't challenge me much except for the last room. But the Warlord's Fortress does not fuck around much.

Almost every single room on this map contains a fight that required me to pull the party away for a full rest afterwards because they were beaten up and low on spell points, with very few exceptions.

It starts out easily enough, with a few brigands! Even Richmond can more or less one-shot them with his melee attacks at this point.

Turns out the Warlord is our smartest foe yet! The front door does not budge. And this isn't, like Snergle's Caverns, because you have to go get a key from elsewhere. No, this door 100% cannot open. Ever. No secret levers. No hidden keys.
But look at the minimap. The corridor section we're in is apparently a trigger. Interacting with walls and ceiling does nothing. Leaving and then returning does nothing. You know what does something? Clicking on the floor.

It may look like a maze, but it's really not. The interior doors just teleport you to other interior doors, except for one, but because you've got a minimap and it never loops back on itself, there's literally no way to get lost here.

The upper rightmost door just opens like a normal door and lets you into the Warlord's basement where we kill another few of his manservants and make our way upwards into the fortress proper.

The first couple of barracks rooms supplement their brigands with veterans, which are still, while not exactly a threat at this point, still possessors of enough hit points to present roadbumps that will slow the party down, plus they still sometimes break gear on hit, the fuckers.

Let's talk about these chests, though. Roughly half the chests in the Warlord's Fortress give this message, and it's odd because no other chests in the game do and there's no lockpicking skill or mechanic. It's not a Perception or Luck or Accuracy check either.
So I looked it up. According to the online jabber, it's something introduced by Grayface's patch, but the reason for it is argued about. In the patch notes he just notes that he "fixed duplicate chests." Some people online are complaining that there never were any, while others say that yes, they existed, and basically meant that multiple chests would link to the same chest "inventory." So as far as I can tell he just bricked-over the chests that connected to something another chest already did, rather than turning them into proper chests in their own right since that would make the Warlord's Fortress, an already big-loot area, into probably the biggest payday of the entire game.

Even before we get to the corner up ahead, enemies are active in the big room and headed towards us. But what's that, behind the brigand...

Also, despite collapsing as empty suits of armor when defeated, they're not undead, more's the shame.

From here on out, every room contains either multiples of Death/Doom Knights, single Cuisinarts, or combinations of these, in addition to Fighter/Veteran/Brigand cannon fodder to eat up hits and get in the way of Implosion casts. At this point Shrap Metal A) does not have the Dark training on Richmond to outperform Implosion and B) because it has an extremely wide shotgun spread, like Sparks, it requires being so close to an enemy that they fill the entire screen for them to eat more than one hit. This is not in itself a big issue except that enemies stop advancing quite short of this, and attacks push enemies back ever so slightly, so it's not often that they're well-positioned. I question its placement as top damage dealer.

Share Life also starts seeing a lot of use as it's great for topping up Richmond and Agnes from Deadeye's big reserves of hit points.

Also the party's "afraid" faces are quite funny.

This place was full of enemies once, they sucked.

This door requires collecting two keys from the rest of the dungeon to open, which is frankly a bit odd since it's probably one of the least impressive rooms in the fort, loot-wise. Still, if someone doesn't want us to steal it, that's enough reason to bust it open and get stealing.

The door on the north side of the room has the first Cuisinart of the dungeon. Just look how huge they are, they tower head and shoulders and then some over the other human enemy sprites.

And that's what fighting one Cuisinart + chaff does to the party. And there are rooms that have multiple Cuisinarts.

There are two keys in one of the cupboards here, but they're not both one of the two keys we need for the other door, only one of them is, the other one opens a door just next to the cupboard, which is what we call "bad security."

So, once again, there's no explicitly named Warlord in this place, and the trigger required to convince Temper that the Warlord is dead are these discharge papers which, I think, implies that the Cuisinart we just fought was, in fact, the Warlord.
This means we could just leave now, unfortunately for the Warlord's employees, however, their bodies are full of loot and thus they won't be left to go find employment elsewhere.

Also this is what I was talking about with rooms that could not be Ring of Fire'd. I think that it took like three full rests from Richmond to wear down a Cuisinart to half health in the case of one of the rooms that was so grimly full of enemies that I really had to soften it up a bit before walking in. So it's just not viable for all dungeons any longer.

It ends up about as down to the wire as it can get, plus of course the party's out of food, too(it takes at least two food to rest), so Deadeye has to lift the entire party on his shoulders and hoof it back to town with them to get them patched up.
Once they return, more violence, predictably, ensues.

But that earlier close call was as close as it gets(excepting encounters I had to reload because I was getting owned).

I'm just so glad that it'll be a while before we see any of these dickheads again, though they do sadly show up in one later dungeon to ruin my day.

A fat load of stat-boosting barrels!

Which is kind of a forgettable thing at this point. Considering that they persist this late into the game, it feels like maybe the diminishing returns on stat boosts weren't in the original design docs or something, because at this point the stat boosts from casting Day of the Gods pretty much bumps everyone's stats into the realm where an effective "+1" requires increasing the base stat by 5 or 10 points, so a single room like this that maybe has +2 or +3 to each stat is kind of underwhelming. And keep in mind this is Richmond at the bottom tier of what he'll be doing with those stat boosts.

Indeed, I almost walked out of the dungeon without realizing that there were a couple of blue loot markers hovering in the void outside of the rooms I'd explored! Puzzling! Bizarre! Strange!

Turns out there was a hidden door in the very first little barracks room I cracked open.

And it hides a veeeeeeeeeery nice jackpot. About 15000 gold just in pure gold, not even counting a number of minor gear upgrades and proceeds from selling loot.

And all cleared with just two weeks to go before the equinox, which leaves the party enough time to sell loot and get in some nice training, too. The in-universe equinox is on the 21st and training eats up eight days(though, not eight days per training, if you enter a training yard and train, it eats eight days, but it'll eat up the same eight days no matter how much training you do. So as long as you don't leave between training sessions, any number of level ups will only account for eight days).

Just to be on the safe side I arrive a day early and have the party camp inside the circle of stones until the right day hits.

At which point Loretta trolls us just for the hell of it.

The 20% extra spell points for Agnes may not look like a lot, but there's a hell of a lot of arcane murdery stored in those points.

So nothing ever indicates you can do something with the Ankh, but you can take it to Loretta and Lord Stone. I think you may have to take it to Loretta first before you can show it to Stone, but I didn't test that out.

Loretta doesn't tell us this, but Cedric's temple is located in Free Haven, an area where we haven't touched any of the dungeons at all aside from the sewers. So I guess we know where our next point of interest is!
First, though, we have something way more important to do.

Loretta is an awful person, but I do like her style.

Anyway, with this done, the only thing left for this post is to go cash in our Champion quest with Temper in Free Haven.

Off-screen I also got Richmond upgraded to a Water Magic master, so getting around Enroth is now a lot smoother.

And that's 10 out of 12 promotion quests completed.

Next up will be the dungeons of the Free Haven region, though I do certainly dread the hell out of fighting my way through the Temple of the Moon. But we'll see just how bad it gets when we get there. I suspect I'll have to turn the cheese setting to maximum for that one to avoid tearing my hair out.
Progress Counter
1 out of 6 Council quests completed: Still only Stone's
10 out of 12 Promotion quests completed: Only the Archdruid quest and final Archer promotion quests remain.
And then once that's done, we can get back on taking votes for what to do.